Transforming the Media Landscape


In the first of a series of guest perspectives, we host Kate Atwood, Co-Founder and CEO at LoCo+.

LoCo+ provides distribution for local filmmakers and content creators to build audiences and discover new pathways to success. Kate talks about how emerging technologies may impact the ever changing media landscape, the distribution of creative content, and one of the most ubiquitous parts of our humanity- storytelling.

Kate is also the founder of Kate’s Club, a non-profit that has helped over 6000 families and kids deal with loss and grief. The organization just celebrated its 20th anniversary. It is beyond inspiring.


As the world hurtles into an era of technological advancement and artificial intelligence, the established systems and institutions that have long held sway over society are being challenged and destabilized. While this may initially give rise to economic and societal unrest, it also presents a unique opportunity for positive transformation. The nexus of the positive transformation, however, is not where most are looking. The disillusionment of technology, specifically AI, is keeping us from realizing where we as individuals have and always will hold the most power: media.

The Media System’s Struggle 

For 20 years, since the arrival of the digital era of distribution, our media system has struggled to evolve with the times. Just like the economic and political systems have rapidly moved towards globalization, the media system has as well, with social media being the primary driver. While seemingly bringing more democratization to publishing and distribution, the power has remained controlled by a few, all but eliminating the critical local perspective of culture and community.   Our innate tribal nature as human beings has always been deeply intertwined with the channels of media and entertainment, serving as conduits for information, connection, and entertainment. Regrettably, corporate media and the entertainment industry, driven by top-down structures, have lost sight of this crucial role, while individuals have grown complacent regarding the impact of location on our economic and societal well-being.

As new AI technologies emerge, there is a growing concern that they may exacerbate our existing disconnections and drive us further apart. The fear is that AI-powered algorithms will perpetuate filter bubbles, reinforcing our existing biases and narrowing our exposure to diverse perspectives. However, despite these concerns, we have an opportunity to shape the direction AI takes and harness its power for positive change. To do so, we must acknowledge the value of our media system, giving it the same level of importance as our economic and labor systems. By recognizing the pivotal role media plays in shaping our perceptions, fostering empathy, and creating cohesive communities, we can steer our collective future in a direction that actually promotes inclusivity, equity, and human connection rather than continues to dismantle it. 

The Rise of Independent Media 

The irony is that the advent of digital distribution of media has democratized content creation, leading to an explosion of creators, storytellers, and filmmakers worldwide. Today, more individuals than ever before have the tools to create and the means to share their craft with audiences. However, despite this accessibility, the existing system surrounding the creative economy is still primarily controlled by big tech and big media, creating inefficiencies for both creators and audiences.

Globally, there are over 303 million content creators, with over 165 million joining the creator economy just in the past two years. These creators encompass a wide range of talents, including filmmakers, writers, and artists, who distribute their work over the internet. Unfortunately, less than 10% of these creators are able to make a sustainable living due to the limitations imposed by the current distribution platforms available to them. 

The vast majority of these content creators are driven by a desire to make a positive social impact. They aspire not only to earn a living but also to shape culture, build communities, and raise awareness about important causes they are passionate about all through the power of story. These creators represent the future of the media system and have the potential to play a significant role in restoring harmony and prosperity to our society. However, they require a media system that empowers them to realize their goals, not individually, but collectively. 

The Emergence of a Networked Distribution Solution:

This is where LoCo+ comes in. We are developing the first distribution platform dedicated to empowering local content creators and filmmakers to develop audiences and sustain themselves financially. Unlike traditional local media distribution channels such as TV, newspapers, and radio, LoCo+ focuses on cultural content that is rooted in proximity, connecting individuals to stories and identities that resonate most with them. The future of the local media system is not about erecting barriers but rather providing filters that educate, inform, and inspire those who feel represented by and connected to it.

By bringing distribution back to the locus of creativity, we have the potential to unlock unprecedented wealth in communities worldwide while ensuring balance with the technological advancements of our time. 

The future of media distribution is one that is globally interconnected but anchored locally by independent content creators, filmmakers, and journalists. While technology will play a significant role in facilitating distribution, democratization, and moderation, it is pure human creativity that will be the driving force behind connection and engagement.  The time to act is now; we must seize this opportunity to shape a more inclusive and empowering media system for all. It is in fact the one thing AI can never replace: the origin of story. 


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